By Sheri & Bob Stritof
If you make New Year's resolutions, we suggest that the two of you make one resolution together that will benefit your marriage.
Old Familiar Urges
This is the time of year that you may get those old familiar urges to make a resolution to make change in your lives, to do better, to be better, to love more, to get out of debt, etc.
This is good. To a point.
Too often good intentions and resolutions turn out to be rather large failures and you may think less of yourself. This is not a good way to start a new year. Additionally, your own or your spouse's poor self-image can have a very negative impact on your marriage.
Making a Couple Resolution
Aside from your personal resolutions, we suggest that the two of you make one resolution that will enhance your marriage. Here are resolutions that could help your marriage relationship.Before making any resolutions, either personal or as a couple, consider using these guidelines so that you are successful this year.
- Pick only one or two resolutions.
- Make sure that your resolutions are achievable.
- Your resolutions should not depend on anyone else or on the two of you receiving a financial windfall, etc.
- Make the time frame for your resolution a short one. Three weeks to a month is plenty long.
- Share your plans with someone else for encouragement, support, and challenge.
- Reward yourselves when you are successful.
- Re-evaluate at the end of the time period. Decide if you want to continue the resolution or look for a new one.